Antoinette Montague

Photograph by Melanie Futorian.

Internationally recognized, born and raised in Newark, Antoinette Montague brings her powerful and soulful voice to the halls of the Museum to kick-off our lively season of holiday concerts.  

Raised in Newark, NJ Antoinette Montague came from a home where there always was music. She has been mentored by some of the greats–Carrie Smith and Etta Jones—who taught her the ins and outs of life as a jazz and Blues entertainer.  Evoking the two great Etta's–Etta Jones and Etta James--as well as blues star Carrie Smith and Jazz whisperer Shirley Horn, Antoinette shows tremendous range to her artistry.  Her commitment to her audience is refreshing; her show is crafted to take listeners on a journey that embraces the power of Jazz history, yet maintains the excitement of the present.  With her repertoire of swing, blues, bebop, storytelling, explosive excitement and entertainment, Antoinette Montague brings down the house every time she performs.  Antoinette Montague has performed internationally at hundreds of venues, including as an artist for the U.S. State Department, performs and instructs for Jazz At Lincoln Center, Jazzmobile, and an Adjunct Professor instructing Jazz History and jazz and blues vocals at MaryMount College in Midtown Manhattan. She has performed at the Blue Note, Birdland, Dizzys Club Coca Cola, Marcus Garvey Park, and more.

Antoinette is the CEO of the Jazz Woman to the Rescue Foundation, a 501(c)(3) org that encourages the public to give old instruments no longer in use to youths without the benefit of the arts in their schools.  She has released several CDs,w a Mulgrew Miller, Kenny Washington, Danny Mixon, Winard Harper , Jay Hoggard, King Solomon Hicks and other greats with whom she surrounds herself. Her most recents being World Peace in the Key of Jazz and a children's CD, Jazz Woman to the Rescue and with The Band of Bones.


Darrell Smith


Danny Mixon